

The joy of the Lord is your strength! [Nehemiah 8:10]

We often face challenges, obstacles, and trials in our life journey. Unannounced and unexpected experiences seek to shape and change the course of our lives. What challenges or difficulties are you going through right now? What is causing you pain, frustration, sorrow, is trying to rob your joy or has taken away your smile? Maybe you feel like you once had joy and have lost it; it’s gone.

This month, I want to encourage you with a reminder of God’s Word. The Lord desires to restore your joy, confidence, laughter and smile. He wishes to restore joy in all areas of your life. If, as you are reading this, you see joy as a hope and dream we can have in the distant future, I want to encourage you. Joy is for today. It is for the present. It is for now!

God wants you to know that real joy cannot be taken away from you; it is there forever!

In John 15:11, Jesus said: “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” Isn’t that an amazing truth? God’s joy is in us, and it is complete!

Some translations use the words “that your joy may be full.” The joy God gives you is not given half-measured but you are filled with it. Look at Jesus’ words in John 17:13: He says “so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them”. The joy that you have is not temporary; it is permanent and remains in you always.

God wants you to know that joy is not determined by your personality. It is not determined by your circumstances, either. Instead, your joy stems from Jesus. It is a joy that comes from knowing and serving Him – your relationship with Him. It is a deep, abiding joy from knowing that God loves you.

If you struggle to find joy, I want to show you how to find it in God’s Word:

Firstly, it is found in the presence of God. Psalm 16:11 says: “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Remember, you can have as much of Jesus’ presence as you desire. Why? Because Jesus’ presence lives inside of you. The Holy Spirit is the continuous presence of God that fills you with overflowing joy. Galatians 5:22 tells us the fruit of the Holy Spirit is joy.

Secondly, you need to have the right viewpoint and perspective. James 1: 2 says: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” The key word in this verse for me is ‘consider’. It means “to believe to be or think of as”. It all stems down to your perspective and depends on how you consider things and how you face them. You can consider each trial you face as joy and rejoice with joy inexpressible.

The New Living Translation of this verse uses the words: “when troubles of any kind come your way”. The Message Translation says: “when tests and challenges come at you from all sides”. Would you agree that finding joy amid trials and rejoicing in the face of hardship is another dimension and level? It is supernatural. Most of us look for joy away from our challenges. We search for it away from troubles. Remember, this verse reminds us that there is joy in all circumstances.

How can you find joy in the midst of painful experiences and hardships? You find joy through understanding that the joy the world gives is not the same as the joy the Holy Spirit gives. God’s joy empowers you to face difficulties, overcome obstacles, and persevere in your faith in the face of adversity.

God calls you to be an outshining of His joy in the world – through the joy of the message you bring of the gospel of Jesus Christ and as an outward expression of His joy. May you continue to embrace the fullness of joy found in God’s presence.

Every blessing,
Pastor Sherry Owolabi

My article is also posted on the Baginton Road URC website:

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