
Easter – A Special Time

What a special time!

It has been a long while since I painted, but yesterday, on Good Friday – 7th April 2023, I picked up my paintbrush again. I love to paint; I find it very therapeutic, and I can shut off from everything, get into creative mode and enter into a time of deep reflective thought.

Here is my painting of our Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary.

As I reflect on what our Lord Jesus Christ did during this special time, I am overwhelmed with a profound sense of peace and love. Jesus loved us so much that He died a death He did not deserve in our place. He hung on that cross in pain and agony, a public display of love for all humanity.

Jesus submitted in total obedience to the Father, even though He saw the suffering of the cross ahead of Him. “If it is possible, take this cup away from me”, were His words. But he surrendered to the will of the Father. “Not my will but your will,” he said. (Matthew 26:39).

What is the Lord asking you to do? What is He calling you to do? Perhaps there is a task or situation before you, and you are reluctant to obey God because it seems daunting, difficult or painful. Think of Jesus now and how He placed the Father’s will before His own because He loved Him.

Look at Jesus’ words in John 14:31:

31 “But he comes so that the world may learn that I love the Father and do exactly what my Father has commanded me.

Jesus’ love for His Father resulted in obedience. In scripture, Jesus continually conformed to His Father’s will throughout His earthly life. This is the example set before us. How else can we show the Lord that we love him? It is through our obedience to Him.

God created us to love us, and He desires that we love Him in return. Doesn’t Jesus on the cross remind you of God’s abundant love for you? God loves us so profoundly. Let us love Him back. He is worth more than we can ever say, do or give. But we can make Him happy by loving Him as He deserves. He longs for us to grow in our knowledge of Him and spend time with Him. This is why we should endeavour to learn to love God. It should be our utmost priority and importance in our lives. That is why Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:37-38:

37 “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment.”

I pray that this Easter, your life will conform to the perfect will of the Father. Just as Jesus’ life pleased the Father through his love and obedience, I pray that your love and obedience to the Father will also increase and your life will bring Glory to His name.

Happy Easter!


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